Call Pastor Steve Bonesho: (612) 812-4583


Gift Cards for Christmas- Dec 14

2014-11-14T15:46:43+00:00November 12, 2014|Community, Serve|

We serve a community meal through our friends at Loaves and Fishes every month but during December we try to do a little more.  Our hope is to bring some Christmas cheer to these neighbors by providing each of them with a $25 Target or Walmart gift card.  You can [...]

RELATE Sunday Brunch- Nov 30

2014-11-07T18:46:14+00:00November 7, 2014|Community, Worship|

On months with a  5th Sunday we stick around after worship and share a meal.  On Nov 30 we'll fire up the waffle irons for a brunch and hear a few updates about community life.  What lies ahead during the Christmas season?  What is the plan after the first of [...]

Little Free Library- Living Joy Style

2014-11-12T19:14:59+00:00November 6, 2014|Community, Learn|

Little Free Libraries are popping up all over!  You take a book or bring a book to share!  We thought it would be a good idea to model this by having a kid's little library available on Sunday mornings.  Three things you can do:  (1) bring  your favorite faith-centered board [...]

Discover and Connect- Nov 9

2014-10-28T14:17:55+00:00October 27, 2014|Community|

Want to find out more about Living Joy? What is the vision, mission and values of Living Joy and why do we do things the way we do them?  How do I plug in and use my gifts?  What about kids?  These are a few of the questions that we'll [...]

SING Sunday- Oct 19

2014-10-14T20:25:47+00:00October 14, 2014|Sing, Uncategorized|

Hey kids! Here is a song for you listen to (and learn to sing) for  this Sunday's worship with Hans!   MADE FOR LOVE Chorus: We've been molded by the Creator's hand Here in Jesus we have grace to stand Moving by the Spirit We are made for [...]

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