Call Pastor Steve Bonesho: (612) 812-4583


SERVE Sunday- Feb 09

2025-02-05T17:09:00+00:00February 4, 2025|Community, Serve|

It's a SERVE Sunday during worship.  Bring items to create  Valentine's Day gift bags for delivery to our friends at Prior Manor. We will also need a few volunteers to deliver the gift bags on Thursday the 13th or Friday the 14th!

Christmas Loaves and Fishes- Dec 17

2024-11-21T15:36:34+00:00November 2, 2024|Community, Serve|

Our annual Christmas community meal is December 19th at St Johns in Shakopee.  We will need plenty of volunteers to cook (2:00 pm), set up and decorate (3:30 pm), serve (5:00 pm), and clean up (6:15 pm).  If you would like to volunteer for this amazing evening email Steve and [...]

Love in the PO Box- Nov 17th

2024-11-21T15:38:51+00:00October 14, 2024|Community, Serve, Worship|

For our SERVE Sunday in November we will pack some love in care packages for our college, military, and Living Joy young adults.  Bring items to include in the care packages and we'll have the boxes ready and take care of the shipping.  It's easy: If you have a college [...]

God’s work. Our hands. Sep 9

2018-09-06T13:41:48+00:00September 3, 2018|Community, Serve, Worship|

We'll join hundreds of other ELCA congregations around the country in celebrating this Sunday by using our hands in service. Wear some comfortable work clothes and we will put our hands to work at the Spring Lake Township Hall doing some indoor cleaning, weed pulling and outdoor clean up from [...]

SERVE Sunday- Mar 11

2018-03-08T16:39:09+00:00March 1, 2018|Community, Serve, Worship|

Our friends at Shakopee Community Assistance could use our help in stocking the shelves with diapers.  During the month of March you can bring a package or two of diapers to donate for a family who needs them in our community.  All sizes welcome but larger sizes are needed most.

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