Call Pastor Steve Bonesho: (612) 812-4583


Fat Tuesday- Mar 4

2025-02-27T20:31:37+00:00February 3, 2025|Community, Learn|

In Germany it's marked by parades.  In Belgium it is dancing in the streets.  In Brazil they dance too and call it Carnival.   In northern Italy it's a food fight with oranges.  In Scandinavia the day is reserved for the serving of a particular sweet pastry.  It's French expression [...]

lenten book series starts Mar 10

2019-01-26T17:42:06+00:00January 26, 2019|Community, Learn|

What does it mean to live with a goal of loving without inhibition, insecurity or restriction?  How do we move ourselves in the direction of a no-limits embrace of others? Bob Goff uses his trademark story-telling to ponder these questions and more in his new book Everybody Always.  Order it here from Amazon or [...]

Worship Road Trip May 6

2018-05-02T16:22:01+00:00May 2, 2018|Community, Learn, Worship|

This Sunday (MAY 6th) Living Joy WILL NOT worship at Spring Lake Township Hall as we are giving up the building to our friends from Fish Lake Lutheran who will be using the building to host the Fish Lake 5K Run. You're invited to hit the road to visit worship [...]

tuesday book study

2017-12-28T17:39:34+00:00December 28, 2017|Community, Learn|

God's glory and goodness is all around us.  How do we see glory in the world around us? In the stories we hear and tell?  How do we invest in the glory around us and find solace in its presence? Kaitlin Curtice has a gift for seeing God's glory in [...]

fall book study begins Sep 19

2017-08-30T21:38:21+00:00August 26, 2017|Community, Learn|

We're starting a new book discussion at 6:30 am on Tuesday mornings at Caribou in Lakeville.  Join us for coffee that is hot and the conversation is lively!  We'll be diving into Two Dollars A Day and explore what it is like to live on almost nothing in the United [...]

Fall Worship Series begins Sep 20

2015-09-15T16:27:09+00:00September 15, 2015|Community, Learn|

Life is best when it's shared with a full compliment of characters.  People who live life to the full and keep it all real.  This fall we will examine some characters who fit the bill from the Old Testament- Joseph, Moses, and David.  We'll spend three weeks on each of [...]

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