Call Pastor Steve Bonesho: (612) 812-4583


Yoga with Heatherlyn kicks off in June

2015-04-29T13:36:20+00:00April 20, 2015|Community|

Heatherlyn has a wonderful personal story of yoga being an integral part of her own spiritual growth and healing.  It has been so powerful that she pursued advanced training as a yoga instructor.  She shared her passion for yoga with Living Joy last fall with an introductory 'yoga in the [...]

SERVE Sunday- April 12

2015-04-06T16:16:24+00:00April 2, 2015|Community, Serve, Worship|

Come at 9:45 am before worship!  We will plant seeds to be taken home and tended.  Then we'll give them to Project Food Patch so that the seedlings can be planted in the community garden that we will help tend this summer!  We'll follow up the SERVE event with a [...]

Families Moving Forward Benefit- Feb 21

2015-02-05T20:20:58+00:00February 5, 2015|Community, Serve, Sing|

Hans will be sharing music from his new CD, Every Breath I Sing, and proceeds from the concert and silent auction will help our communities effort to address homelessness through Families Moving forward.  Silent Auction and Appetizers at 5:30 pm with Concert following at 7 pm.  Suggested donations of $10 [...]

Theology on Tap- Feb 12

2015-02-03T18:59:21+00:00February 2, 2015|Community, Learn|

We had a great conversation when we gathered last around issues of race, culture, and Christianity.  This month we invite you to see the movie Selma and we will use this film as the jumping off point for continuing the conversation at 6:30 pm at Artisan Cafe and Bistro on [...]

Worship – Feb 1

2015-01-27T21:14:17+00:00January 26, 2015|Worship|

We are excited to welcome back our friends Tangled Blue as guest worship leaders on Feb 1.  Joel and Aimee will be bringing the music and our Luther seminary contextual education student Carrie Smisek will be preaching!  Worship begins at 10:30 am!

Paraphrase Theater- Jan 25

2015-01-13T23:52:12+00:00January 13, 2015|Community, Learn, Worship|

We are thrilled to welcome Jonathan Swenson to Living Joy.  Jonathan is an ordained Lutheran pastor, trained actor, and camp director.  He brings the gospel to the world through  Paraphrase Theater.  In addition to sharing his artistic gifts with us on January 25th, Jonathan will also be presenting information about [...]

Randomly Real Kicks Off- Jan 4

2014-12-22T18:03:27+00:00December 18, 2014|Community|

Let's get random!  The challenge for January and February is to get together TWICE with a group of random Living Joy folks pulled from a hat and DO WHATEVER!  We'll kick off this nonsense with a "meal" after worship on January 4th where you're invited to bring a random food [...]

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