Call Pastor Steve Bonesho: (612) 812-4583


Why Christian?- Sep 18-20

2015-07-30T15:26:49+00:00July 30, 2015|Community, Learn|

We are excited to have this conference coming to the Twin Cities this year!  It is sold out (boo!).  But we have an extra ticket if you are interested in attending.  We have a number of people attending and will set up a carpool to the event.  Contact Pastor Steve [...]

Theology on Tap- Feb 12

2015-02-03T18:59:21+00:00February 2, 2015|Community, Learn|

We had a great conversation when we gathered last around issues of race, culture, and Christianity.  This month we invite you to see the movie Selma and we will use this film as the jumping off point for continuing the conversation at 6:30 pm at Artisan Cafe and Bistro on [...]

Paraphrase Theater- Jan 25

2015-01-13T23:52:12+00:00January 13, 2015|Community, Learn, Worship|

We are thrilled to welcome Jonathan Swenson to Living Joy.  Jonathan is an ordained Lutheran pastor, trained actor, and camp director.  He brings the gospel to the world through  Paraphrase Theater.  In addition to sharing his artistic gifts with us on January 25th, Jonathan will also be presenting information about [...]

Little Free Library- Living Joy Style

2014-11-12T19:14:59+00:00November 6, 2014|Community, Learn|

Little Free Libraries are popping up all over!  You take a book or bring a book to share!  We thought it would be a good idea to model this by having a kid's little library available on Sunday mornings.  Three things you can do:  (1) bring  your favorite faith-centered board [...]

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