Call Pastor Steve Bonesho: (612) 812-4583


Ash Wednesday- Mar 05

2025-02-27T20:30:09+00:00February 4, 2025|Community, Prayer, Worship|

Join us for an Ash Wednesday service with imposition of ashes at Spring Lake Townhall.  Come any time between 5:15 and 6:30 pm as your schedule allows.  We will be journeying through prayer stations and imposing ashes as part of the final station.  Come and kick off the Lenten season [...]

Gather around Gratitude- Nov 27

2024-11-21T15:41:32+00:00November 15, 2024|Community, Worship|

You're invite to an evening of giving thanks as we gather at 6 pm at the Spring Lake Township town hall on Wednesday November 27th. Singer, songwriter, Heatherlyn will join us and share some music as we center ourselves in thankfulness as we look to turn the page and set [...]

Love in the PO Box- Nov 17th

2024-11-21T15:38:51+00:00October 14, 2024|Community, Serve, Worship|

For our SERVE Sunday in November we will pack some love in care packages for our college, military, and Living Joy young adults.  Bring items to include in the care packages and we'll have the boxes ready and take care of the shipping.  It's easy: If you have a college [...]

God’s work. Our hands. Sep 9

2018-09-06T13:41:48+00:00September 3, 2018|Community, Serve, Worship|

We'll join hundreds of other ELCA congregations around the country in celebrating this Sunday by using our hands in service. Wear some comfortable work clothes and we will put our hands to work at the Spring Lake Township Hall doing some indoor cleaning, weed pulling and outdoor clean up from [...]

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